Gifted Education » Parental Rights

Parental Rights

Marion Center Area School District Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Students

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),                                                                     

This notice describes your rights and the procedures that safeguard your rights as found in Chapter 16 of the State Board of Education's Regulations (22 Pa Code). These regulations require school districts to provide gifted education services to students who have been identified as gifted and in need of specially designed instruction. These services must be described in a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP).

The information contained in this Notice is important to you and your child. Please take time to review it. If you need clarification, you can seek help from your child’s guidance counselor or the Special Education Office.. You also have the right to be informed of organizations that are established to assist parents in understanding their rights under these laws. A list of some of these parent assistance resources can be found below.        

If you have a concern about your child's educational program, you may wish to contact your child's teachers, building principal, or the Special Education Office. This type of communication is often helpful in resolving concerns. You also have the right to initiate due process procedures as described in Section V of this notice.


Amy Gaston
Director of Education



Pennsylvania Department of Education

Bureau of Teaching and Learning
333 Market Street, 3rd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333


Bureau of Special Education
333 Market Street, 7th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333


Pennsylvania Bar Association

P.O. Box 186
Harrisburg, PA 17108


Pennsylvania Office for Dispute Resolution (free for parents/guardians)

6340 Flank Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112-2764

Special Education Consult Line: 800.879.2301 or (locally) 717.541.4960 ext. 3332

Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education, Inc. (PAGE)

P.O. Box 312
Northampton, PA 18067

Helpline: 888.736.6443


Please click below to view the Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Students.